Chen Bintong

Bintong Chen

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Found 11 papers in total
Offering a downgraded service to enhance profit?
As market competition is intensified, many firms compete through service. In this...
Coordinating contracts for supply chains that market with mail-in rebates and retailer promotions
Marketing promotions are pervasive in industry, yet too often they are introduced...
Using MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) to enhance the ability of rebates to control distribution channels
Manufacturers have increasingly instituted widespread mail-in rebate programs in...
Mean–range based distribution-free procedures to minimize ‘overage’ and ‘underage’ costs
We discuss several mean-range based distribution-free decision procedures to minimize...
Expected value of distribution information for the newsvendor problem
This paper extends previous work on the distribution-free newsvendor problem, where...
Resource allocation with lumpy demand: to speed or not to speed?
In the classical economic production quantity model with continuous and constant...
Minmax-regret robust 1-median location on a tree
This paper considers the minmax-regret 1-median problem on a tree network where edge...
Continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems via normal maps
In a recent paper by Chen and Mangasarian a class of parametric smoothing functions...
A continuation method for monotone variational inequalities
This paper presents a continuation method for monotone variational inequality problems...
Optimal pacing of trains in freight railroads: Model formulation and solution
Recent developments in location systems technology for railroads provide a train...
Two moments estimation of the delay on single-track rail lines with scheduled traffic
A substantial literature exists on the estimation of the delay function for a...
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