Caulkins Jonathan P.

Jonathan P. Caulkins

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Found 18 papers in total
A model of moderation: finding Skiba points on a slippery slope
A simple model is considered that rewards ‘moderation’ – finding the...
Operations Research and public policy for Africa: harnessing the revolution in management science instruction
Operations Research (OR) has made major contributions in the developed world to public...
Dynamic compartmental model of trends in Australian drug use
A five-state compartment model of trends in illicit drug use in Australia is...
Quality cycles and the strategic manipulation of value
We present a two-state, one-control model of a seller's decision about how good a...
Sell first, fix later: impact of patching on software quality
We present a model of fixing or patching a software problem after the product has been...
A method for managing access to web pages: Filtering by Statistical Classification (FSC) applied to text
Various entities (e.g., parents, employers) that provide users (e.g., children,...
Markov chain modeling of initiation and demand: The case of the US cocaine epidemic
Everingham and Rydall's Markov chain model of cocaine demand is modified and updated...
When parametric sensitivity analysis is not enough
This article addresses the issue of structural vs. parametric sensitivity analysis in...
Optimal dynamic allocation of treatment and enforcement in illicit drug control
There has been considerable debate about what share of drug control resources should...
Optimal control of drug epidemics: Prevent and treat—but not at the same time?
Drug use and related problems change substantially over time, so it seems plausible...
Can difficult-to-reuse syringes reduce the spread of HIV among injection drug users?
Sharing of syringes by injection drug users is a principal means by which the human...
Modeling the domestic distribution network for illicit drugs
This paper presents a simple economic model of a drug dealer's decision about how many...
Scheduling crackdowns on illicit drug markets
This paper presents an analytical approach for scheduling crackdowns on street-corner...
The on-time machines: Some analyses of airline punctuality
The Department of Transportation (DOT) rates commercal airlines’ on-time...
Local drug markets’ response to focused police enforcement
This paper introduces a model that describes how local drug markets might respond to...
Zero-tolerance policies: Do they inhibit or stimulate illicit drug consumption?
Some have suggested fighting the drug problem with so-called...
AIDS impact on the number of intravenous drug users
For more than a decade the size of the intravenous (IV) drug-using population was...
Seasonal inventories and the use of product-flexible manufacturing technology
As advancing technology makes Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) a viable option...
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