Fowler J W

J W Fowler

Information about the author J W Fowler will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
A discrete event simulation tool for performance management of web‐based application systems
Web‐based computer applications connect the end‐user with information...
A simulation model for policy decision analysis: a case of pandemic influenza on a university campus
Pandemic influenza preparedness plans strongly focus on efficient mitigation...
Multiple orders per job formation and release strategies in large‐scale wafer fabs: a simulation study
In this paper, multiple orders per job type formation and release strategies are...
Heuristics for minimizing regular performance measures in unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems
This research compares the performance of various heuristics and one metaheuristic for...
Simulation-based cycle-time quantile estimation in manufacturing settings employing non-FIFO dispatching policies
Previous work shows that a combination of the Cornish-Fisher Expansion (CFE) with...
Variance-based sampling for simulating cycle time—throughput curves using simulation-based estimates
Simulation at several different traffic intensities is required when generating a...
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