Jardine A K S

A K S Jardine

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Found 6 papers in total
Optimal inspection intervals for safety systems with partial inspections
The introduction of International Standard IEC 61508 and its industry‐specific...
Prioritization of medical equipment for maintenance decisions
Clinical engineering departments in hospitals are responsible for establishing and...
Bi‐objective workforce‐constrained maintenance scheduling: a case study
In this paper, a real maintenance workforce‐constrained scheduling problem is...
Optimization models for critical spare parts inventories–a reliability approach
In industries characterized by heavy utilization of equipment and machinery, such as...
Estimating parameters of proportional hazards model based on expert knowledge and statistical data
Proportional hazards model (PHM) is a convenient statistical tool that can be...
A finite horizon model for repairable systems with repair restrictions
In this paper, we will present a new finite horizon repair/replacement decision...
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