Staelin Richard

Richard Staelin

Information about the author Richard Staelin will soon be added to the site.
Found 5 papers in total
A ‘Meta‐Analysis’ of Multibrand, Multioutlet Channel Systems
In today's multibrand, multichannel marketplace, optimal channel design involves...
Cross-function and same-function alliances: How does alliance structure affect the behavior of partnering firms?
Firms collaborate to develop and deliver new products. These collaborations vary in...
Enabling the willing: Consumer rebates for durable goods
For many consumers who use loans to acquire an expensive durable such as a car, the...
A look on the cost side: Market share and the competitive environment
In this paper the authors develop a model relating market share to average costs. They...
Environment, market share, and market power
In this paper the authors develop a process model relating market share to firm...
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