Grosfeld-Nir Abraham

Abraham Grosfeld-Nir

Information about the author Abraham Grosfeld-Nir will soon be added to the site.
Found 18 papers in total
Lot-sizing two-echelon assembly systems with random yields and rigid demand
We consider a two-echelon assembly system producing a single final product for which...
The Pareto managerial principle: when does it apply?
The well-known 80/20 Pareto principle and its refinement into ‘A’,...
Serial production systems with random yield and rigid demand: A heuristic
We consider a heuristic for serial production systems with random yields and rigid...
An optimal lot-sizing and offline inspection policy in the case of nonrigid demand
A batch production process that is initially in the in-control state can fail with...
A two-bottleneck system with binomial yields and rigid demand
This study considers multistage production systems where production is in lots and...
A simulation study of pull systems with ascending/descending buffers and stochastic processing times
We study resource-balanced serial production systems with random processing times. We...
Multiple lotsizing in production to order with random yields: review of recent advances
This article provides a review of models, analytical results and insights pertaining...
Multistage production to order with rework capability
This study considers multistage production systems where defective units can be...
Gated MaxWIP: A strategy for controlling multistage production systems
This study considers serial production systems with exponential processing times. The...
Manufacturing to order with random yield and costly inspection
This study considers a situation where a contractor receives an order that it commits...
Push and pull strategies for controlling multistage production systems
This study considers push and pull strategies to control multistage production systems...
Lot-sizing for substitutable, production-to-order parts with random functionality yields
A variety of manufacturing processes produce parts that have multiple functionalities...
Multiple lot-sizing, and value of probabilistic information, in production to order of an uncertain size
A make-to-order batch manufacturer knows that an order for items with some particular...
Production to order on a two machine line with random yields and rigid demand
Random yields may necessitate multiple production runs whenever demand is...
Single bottleneck systems with proportional expected yields and rigid demand
This study considers single bottleneck systems: multistage production systems where...
A single bottleneck system wtih binomial yields and rigid demand
This paper considers a ‘single bottleneck system’: a multistage production...
Multiple lotsizing with random common-cause yield and rigid demand
When yield is random and production is in lots, several successive lots may need to be...
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