Iusem Alfredo N.

Alfredo N. Iusem

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Found 5 papers in total
On the projected subgradient method for nonsmooth convex optimization in a Hilbert space
We consider the method for constrained convex optimization in a Hilbert space,...
An interior point method with Bregman functions for the variational inequality problem with paramonotone operators
We present an algorithm for the variational inequality problem on convex sets with...
A row-action method for convex programming
The authors present a new method for minimizing a strictly convex function subject to...
On the convergence of iterative methods for symmetric linear complementarity problems
The paper proves convergence of the whole sequence generated by any of a large class...
On the convergence properties of Hildreth’s quadratic programming algorithm
The authors prove the linear convergence rate of Hildreth’s method for quadratic...
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