Toint Ph.L.

Ph.L. Toint

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Found 7 papers in total
Numerical experiments with the LANCELOT package (Release A) for large-scale nonlinear optimization
In this paper, the authors describe the algorithmic options of Release A of LANCELOT,...
A note on exploiting structure when using slack variables
The authors show how to exploit the structure inherent in the linear algebra for...
On the use of an inverse shortest paths algorithm for recovering linearly correlated costs
This paper considers the inverse shortest paths problem where arc costs are subject to...
MEUSE: An origin-destination matrix estimator that exploits structure
This article proposes an improvement of existing methods of origin-destination matrix...
Convergence of quasi-Newton matrices generated by the symmetric rank one update
Quasi-Newton algorithms for unconstrained nonlinear minimization generate a sequence...
On an instance of the inverse shortest paths problem
The inverse shortest paths problem in a graph is considered, that is, the problem of...
On large scale nonlinear network optimization
Partial separability and partitioned quasi-Newton updating have been recently...
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