Wei Chih-Ping

Chih-Ping Wei

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Found 7 papers in total
Green Purchasing by MNC Subsidiaries: The Role of Local Tailoring in the Presence of Institutional Duality
To examine the essential determinants of green purchasing by multinational...
Exploiting Technological Indicators for Effective Technology Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Predictions
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) play increasingly important roles for contemporary...
Exploiting poly-lingual documents for improving text categorization effectiveness
We identify the problem of poly‐lingual text categorization (PLTC). We propose...
Service innovation readiness: Dimensions and performance outcome
This study proposes a higher‐order multidimensional construct of service...
Nearest‐neighbor‐based approach to time‐series classification
Many interesting applications involve predictions based on a time‐series...
Evaluating a decision support system for patient image pre-fetching: An experimental study
When reading images from a newly taken radiological examination, a radiologist often...
Event detection from online news documents for supporting environmental scanning
Environmental scanning, the acquisition and use of the information about events,...
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