Raghunathan Srinivasan

Srinivasan Raghunathan

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Found 16 papers in total
Timing the Use of Breast Cancer Risk Information in Biopsy Decision-Making
Available clinical evidence is inconclusive on whether radiologists should use the...
Pricing and disseminating customer data with privacy awareness
We develop a pricing scheme for a data owner to price and disseminate private data. A...
Contracting Information Security in the Presence of Double Moral Hazard
In information security outsourcing, it is the norm that the outsourcing firms and the...
Passenger Profiling and Screening for Aviation Security in the Presence of Strategic Attackers
Passenger profiling enables the Transportation Security Administration to target...
An Analysis of the Impact of Passenger Profiling for Transportation Security
The proponents of airline passenger profiling claim that profiling will reduce the...
Intrusion-Detection Policies for IT Security Breaches
Intrusion–detection systems (IDSs) form an important component of IT security...
Strategic IT investments: the impact of switching cost and declining IT cost
The declining cost of information technology (IT) over time provides the later entrant...
Retailer- vs. vendor-managed inventory and brand competition
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is emerging as a significant development in the recent...
Configuration of detection software: A comparison of decision and game theory approaches
Firms are increasingly relying on software to detect fraud in domains such as...
The value of intrusion detection systems in information technology security architecture
The increasing significance of information technology (IT) security to firms is...
Impact on demand correlation on the value of and incentives for information sharing in a supply chain
Research on information sharing partnerships between manufacturers and retailers in a...
Information sharing in a supply chain: A note on its value when demand is nonstationary
In a recent paper, Lee, So, and Tang showed that in a two-level supply chain with...
Interorganizational collaborative forecasting and replenishment systems and supply chain implications
Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment (CFAR) is a new interorganizational system...
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