Arenales Marcos Nereu

Marcos Nereu Arenales

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Found 9 papers in total
The usable leftover one-dimensional cutting stock problem–a priority-in-use heuristic
We consider a one‐dimensional cutting stock problem in which the material not...
On the cutting stock problem under stochastic demand
This paper addresses the one-dimensional cutting stock problem when demand is a random...
A coupling cutting stock–lot sizing problem in the paper industry
An important production programming problem arises in paper industries coupling...
Methods of dual simplex type for linear optimization problems of flow
In this paper we study the linear optimization problem lower and upper constrained...
The bag compartmented problem and applications
The Compartmentalized Knapsack Problem is a variation of the classical knapsack...
The constrained compartmentalised knapsack problem
The constrained compartmentalised knapsack problem is an extension of the classical...
Lot sizing and scheduling in a large automated foundry
This work consists of a case study in a large foundry, which has three molding lines...
A lot-sizing problem in an automated foundry
This work consists of the study of a foundry which has only one furnace and several...
Piecewise linear programming via interior points
The main aim of this work is to provide some basis for the development of interior...
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