Nagih Anass

Anass Nagih

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Found 7 papers in total
Problèmes fractionnaires : tour d'horizonsur les applications et méthodes de résolution
Fractional programming consists in optimizing a ratio of two functions subject to some...
Reoptimization in Lagrangian methods for the 0–1 quadratic knapsack problem
The 0–1 quadratic knapsack problem consists of maximizing a quadratic objective...
Nodal aggregation of resource constraints in a shortest path problem
The shortest path problem with resource constraints consists of finding the minimum...
An adapted step size algorithm for a 0–1 biknapsack Lagrangean dual
This paper deals with a new algorithm for a 0–1 bidimensional knapsack...
Fractional programming: a guided tour of applications and solution methods
Fractional programming consists in optimizing a ratio of two functions subject to some...
Sensitivity analysis for binary integer programs
This paper is a state of the art on sensitivity analysis for 0–1 linear...
A Lagrangean decomposition for 0–1 hyperbolic programming problems
This paper deals with the solution of the 0–1 hyperbolic programming problem...
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