Vizvri Bla

Bla Vizvri

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Found 10 papers in total
To lay out or not to lay out?
The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is known as one of the most difficult problems...
A stochastic programming and simulation based analysis of the structure of production on the arable land
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of arable land....
Mathematical models of the Giffen effect
The Giffen effect is the contradictory phenomenon in economics that both the price and...
The general algorithm LPT(k) for scheduling identical parallel machines
The paper is devoted to investigate the general algorithm LPT(k). First the tasks are...
A longest processing time algorithm for scheduling identical parallel machines
This paper is devoted to some heuristics for the problem P ‖ C max . This...
A new approach of price expectations
A new market model is provided which describes the uncertainty of the estimations by...
A heuristic for Boolean optimization problems
A heuristic method is proposed for the solution of a large class of binary...
The integer programming background of a stochastic integer programming algorithm of Dentcheva–Prékopa–Ruszczyński
This paper analyzes the algorithmic tools presented by Dentcheva et al . The emphasis...
Modelling chaotic behaviour in agricultural prices using a discrete deterministic nonlinear price model
In economic modelling, the generally used deterministic equilibrium models cannot...
Empirical analysis of producers' price expectations
One of the key elements in cobweb models describing the dynamic behaviour of markets...
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