Park Chan-Kyoo

Chan-Kyoo Park

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Found 18 papers in total
An optimization approach to resolving circular shareholding in large business groups
Circular shareholding refers to a situation where a series of capital contributions...
Prediction of movement direction in crude oil prices based on semi‐supervised learning
Oil price prediction has long been an important determinant in the management of most...
An optimization model for resolving circular shareholdings of Korean large business groups
Circular shareholdings among three companies are formed when company A owns stock in...
Positive sensitivity analysis in linear programming
Positive sensitivity analysis (PSA) is a sensitivity analysis method for linear...
On the properties of ε-sensitivity analysis for linear programming
ε-Sensitivity analysis (ε-SA) is a kind of method to perform sensitivity...
On the relationship between e-sensitivity analysis and sensitivity analysis using an optimal basis
ε-sensitivity analysis is a kind of method for performing sensitivity analysis...
On finding an optimal departure time in time-dependent networks
Most existing studies on time-dependent networks have been focused on finding a...
A label-setting algorithm for finding a quickest path
The quickest path problem is to find a path to send a given amount of data from the...
A study on estimating function point count of domestic software development
Function point model is the international standard method to measure the software size...
An efficient implementation of the supernodal multifrontal method
In this paper, some efficient implementation techniques for the multifrontal method,...
A study on the estimation of software development cost of IT projects in public sector
As the portion of information systems (IS) budget to the total government budget...
Generalized sensitivity analysis at a degenerate optimal solution
The methods of sensitivity analysis for linear programming can be classified in two...
LPABO: A program for interior point methods for linear programming
LPABO (Linear programming Package with the Affine-scaling and the Barrier method using...
An implementation of network optimization system using geographical information systems
By managing not only geographical information but also various kinds of attribute...
An ϵ–sensitivity analysis in the primal–dual interior point method
This paper presents a method of sensitivity analysis on the cost coefficients and the...
A fast algorithm for shortest path problem for network with turn penalties and prohibitions
Shortest path problem in road network with turn penalties and prohibitions frequently...
An efficient minimum degree ordering method using the lower bounds of degrees
Ordering is used to reduce the amount of fill-ins in the Cholesky factor of an...
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