Jaumard Brigitte

Brigitte Jaumard

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Found 22 papers in total
Reformulation and decomposition approaches for traffic routing in optical networks
We consider a multilayer network design model arising from a real‐life...
A column generation and branch-and-cut algorithm for the channel assignment problem
We present an exact algorithm for solving the channel assignment problem in cellular...
A Tabu Search algorithm for difference triangle sets and Golomb rulers
We propose a Tabu Search heuristic to design optimal Golomb rulers and Difference...
The assignment problem with seniority and job priority constraints
Consider an assignment problem in which persons are qualified for some but usually not...
A branch and cut algorithm for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming
We present a branch and cut algorithm that yields in finite time, a globally...
A symmetrical linear maxmin approach to disjoint bilinear programming
The disjoint bilinear programming problem can be reformulated using two distinct...
Best second order bounds for two-terminal network reliability with dependent edge failures
Given a network modeled by a probabilistic graph G = ( V , E ) with bounds on...
Mixed-integer column generation algorithms and the probabilistic maximum satisfiability problem
The column generation approach to large-scale linear programming is extended to the...
A generalized linear programming model for nurse scheduling
This paper presents a 0–1 column generation model with a resource constrained...
New algorithms for product positioning
Two new algorithms are proposed for the problem of positioning a new product in...
An interval arithmetic algorithm for multivariate constrained global optimization using cord-slope forms of Taylor's expansion
A new algorithm, based on interval analysis, is proposed for global optimization of...
Solution of the multisource Weber and conditional Weber problems by d.-c. programming
D.-c. programming is a recent technique of global optimization that allows the...
Cluster analysis and mathematical programming
Given a set of entities, Cluster Analysis aims at finding subsets, called clusters,...
Implication graph and quadratic 0-1 optimization
The authors present in this paper a new approach for the optimization of a quadratic...
An algorithm for Weber’s problem on the sphere
Weber’s problem is to locate a facility in order to minimize the sum of its...
Penalty computations for the set partitioning problem
The computation of penalities associated with the continuous relaxation of integer...
Heuristics for the design of part-orienting systems
In many manufacturing systems, parts must be fed to automatic machines in a specific...
Global minimization of indefinite quadratic functions subject to box constraints
A branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed for global minimization of indefinite...
Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: I. Survey and properties
The authors consider the following global optimization problems for a univariate...
Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: II. New algorithms and computational comparison
The authors consider the following global optimization problems for a Lipschitz...
An analytical approach to global optimization
Global optimization problems with a few variables and constraints arise in numerous...
A decomposition method for minimizing quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions
A decomposition method is proposed for minimizing quadratic pseudo-Boolean functions....
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