Halme Merja

Merja Halme

Information about the author Merja Halme will soon be added to the site.
Found 8 papers in total
Non-convex value efficiency analysis and its application to bank branch sales evaluation
We develop a value efficiency approach for DEA to be used when the decision maker...
Choice behavior of information services when prices are increased and decreased from reference level
The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of price increases and decreases...
Cone contraction and reference point methods for multi‐criteria mixed integer optimization
Interactive approaches employing cone contraction for multi‐criteria mixed...
Estimation methods for choice‐based conjoint analysis of consumer preferences
Conjoint analysis, a preference measurement method typical in marketing research, has...
Dealing with interval scale data in data envelopment analysis
This paper considers the problem of interval scale data in the most widely used models...
Restricting weights in value efficiency analysis
In this paper, we consider the problem of incorporating additional preference...
A value efficiency approach to incorporating preference information in data envelopment analysis
We develop a procedure and the requisite theory for incorporating preference...
A tabu search algorithm for finding good forest harvest schedules satisfying green-up constraints
Due to environmental concerns, forest harvesting in many regions must now satisfy...
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