Li Y.J.

Y.J. Li

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Found 5 papers in total
Minimum principles and error bounds for monotone linear complementarity problems (I)
The main results in this paper (I) can be summarized into following two parts: (1) A...
Minimum principles and error bounds for monotone linear complementarity problems (II)
Another type of minimum principle is presented for a monotone linear complementarity...
Inverse matroid intersection problem
Let M 1 and M 2 be matroids on S, B be their k -element common independent set, and w...
Minimum principles and error bounds for monotone linear complementarity problems (I)
The main results in this paper (I) can be summarized into the following two parts: (1)...
Minimum principles and error bounds for monotone linear complementarity problems (II)
Another type of minimum principle is presented for a monotone linear complementarity...
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