Chatfield Chris

Chris Chatfield

Information about the author Chris Chatfield will soon be added to the site.
Found 5 papers in total
Time series forecasting with neural networks: A comparative study using the airline data
This case-study fits a variety of neural network (NN) models to the well-known airline...
Model uncertainty and forecast accuracy
In time-series analysis, a model is rarely pre-specified but rather is typically...
The M2-Competition: A real-time judgmentally based forecasting study
The purpose of the M2-Competition is to determine the post sample accuracy of various...
Prediction intervals for the Holt-Winters forecasting procedure
Prediction interval formulae are derived for the Holt-Winters forecasting procedure...
The future of time-series forecasting
Time-series forecasting methods may be classified into univariate (projection) methods...
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