Srinivasan Mandyam M.

Mandyam M. Srinivasan

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Found 19 papers in total
Performance bounds for flexible systems requiring setups
Many organizations use product variety as one possible strategy for increasing their...
A framework for capacity planning and machine configuration in flexible assembly systems
We consider the problem of simultaneously determining the number of machines (and/or...
Woodward Aircraft Engine Systems sets work-in-process levels for high-variety, low-volume products
We developed a method for setting the work-in-process (WIP) levels for products...
Exact analysis of the state-dependent polling model
We consider a polling model in which a number of queues are served, in cyclic order,...
The relationship between preventive maintenance and manufacturing system performance
A common lament of the preventive maintenance (PM) crusaders is that production...
Setups in polling models: Does it make sense to set up if no work is waiting
We compare two versions of a symmetric two-queue polling model with switchover times...
Polling systems with state-dependent setup times
We analyze a polling system with multiple stations (queues) attended by a cycling...
How does product proliferation affect responsiveness?
In this note we consider some strategies that a manufacturing firm may use to deal...
When does forced idle time improve performance in polling models?
Sarkar and Zangwill showed by numerical examples that reduction in setup times can,...
Some reflections on the renewal-theory paradox in queueing theory
The classical renewal-theory (waiting time, or inspection) paradox states that the...
Expected waiting times in single-device trip-based material handling systems
In an earlier paper we presented an approximate analytical model to estimate the...
Relating polling models with zero and nonzero switchover times
The authors consider a system of N queues served by a single server in cyclic order....
When should a roving server be patient?
When polling systems are used to model real-world systems, it is typically assumed...
The variance paradox and its implications for Japanese production theory
In a recent Interfaces article, Zangwill presented a mathematical model of a...
The Individual Station technique for the analysis of cyclic polling systems
Polling systems are used to model a wide variety of real-world applications, for...
On pseudo-conversation laws for the cyclic server system with compound Poisson arrivals
Boxma and Groenendijk obtain the pseudo-conservation laws for cyclic server systems,...
Nondeterministic polling systems
A nondeterministic polling system is considered in which a single server serves a...
Random review production/inventory systems with compound Poisson demands and arbitrary processing times
A production/inventory system is considered in which a single production facility...
Control policies for the MX/G/1 queueing system
The M X / G/1 queueing system is studied under the following two situations: (1) At...
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