Bordley Robert F.

Robert F. Bordley

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Found 7 papers in total
Multiattribute preference analysis with performance targets
This paper develops an approach based on performance targets to assess a preference...
Decision rings: Making decision trees visual and non-mathematical
The decision tree is widely used to represent and solve decision problems. Because it...
Representing trees using Microsoft doughnut charts
Trees are widely used to represent and solve problems in Bayesian statistics, risk...
Quantum mechanical and human violations of compound probability principles: Toward a generalized Heisenberg uncertainty principle
A key central tenet of decision theory is that decomposing an uncertain event into...
Measuring risk reduction benefits with discounted longevity
There are many ways to assess the benefits and costs of risk-reduction policies. This...
The dogit model is applicable even without perfectly captive buyers
The dogit choice model is a modification of the logit model to allow for...
An intertemporal utility function concave in gains and convex in losses
This paper generalizes the theory of intertemporal utility functions to allow for...
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