Niu Shun-Chen

Shun-Chen Niu

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Found 7 papers in total
A piecewise-diffusion model of new-product demands
The Bass Model (BM) is a widely-used framework in marketing for the study of...
Setups in polling models: Does it make sense to set up if no work is waiting
We compare two versions of a symmetric two-queue polling model with switchover times...
When does forced idle time improve performance in polling models?
Sarkar and Zangwill showed by numerical examples that reduction in setup times can,...
Some reflections on the renewal-theory paradox in queueing theory
The classical renewal-theory (waiting time, or inspection) paradox states that the...
Relating polling models with zero and nonzero switchover times
The authors consider a system of N queues served by a single server in cyclic order....
Analyzing household brand switching: A stochastic model
In a recent study, Kahn, Morrison and Wright showed that for exponentially distributed...
Duality and other results for M/G/1 and GI/M/1 queues, via a new ballot theorem
The authors generalize the classical ballot theorem and use it to obtain direct...
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