Gordon V.S.

V.S. Gordon

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Found 7 papers in total
Hardness of approximation minimum (or maximum) maximal induced matching graph problems
The minimum (respectively, maximum) maximal induced matching problem asks for a...
Hamiltonian cycles in graphs of triangular grid
A triangular grid graph is a finite induced subgraph of the infinite graph associated...
Conditions of polynomial solvability and upper bounds for the optimum of the traveling salesman problem
A system of linear inequalities is described that defines the set of real-valued...
Scheduling under due date assignment
A survey of scheduling methods is given for the problems where due dates, in contrast...
Earliness penalties on a single machine subject to precedence constraints: Common slack allowance due date assignment
The paper considers the single machine due date assignment and scheduling problems...
A note on optimal assignment of slack due-dates in single-machine scheduling
This paper extends T.C.E. Cheng’s approach for optimal assignment of slack...
Batch delivery scheduling on a single machine
The problem of partitioning a set of independent and simultaneously available jobs...
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