Balachander Subramanian

Subramanian Balachander

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Found 6 papers in total
Why bundle discounts can be a profitable alternative to competing on price promotions
Price promotions and bundling have been two of the most widely used marketing tools in...
Competitive bundling and counterbundling with generalist and specialist firms
Bundling, which is the practice of selling two or more products or services in a...
The making of a ‘hot product’: a signaling explanation of marketers' scarcity strategy
Every marketer's dream is to create a ‘hot product’ that customers would...
Warranty signalling and reputation
In this paper, we present a signalling-based explanation for the empirical phenomenon...
Modifying customer expectations of price decreases for a durable product
We study the introductory signalling strategy for a durable product that faces...
Selection of product line qualities and prices to signal competitive advantage
The authors investigate a firm’s choice of prices and qualities of a product...
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