Morrice Douglas J.

Douglas J. Morrice

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Found 12 papers in total
Schlumberger uses simulation in bidding and executing land seismic surveys
Schlumberger and its competitors use seismic surveying, the process of mapping...
Dell uses a new production-scheduling algorithm to accommodate increased product variety
Early in 2003, with continually increasing product variety and production volumes,...
Stochastic optimal control for staffing and backlog policies in a two-stage customized service supply chain
Motivated by an oilfield services industry case study, we investigate the dynamic...
Execution conditions: A formalization of event cancellation in simulation graphs
Simulation graph models provide a powerful and general modeling framework for...
A multiple attribute utility theory approach to ranking and selection
Managers of large industrial projects often measure performance by multiple...
A frequency domain metamodeling approach to transient sensitivity analysis
This paper develops a metamodel approach to approximate the transient relationship...
A simulation clock-based solution to the frequency domain experiment indexing problem
Frequence domain experiments (FDEs) were introduced to perform system sensitivity...
A weighted least squares approach to computer simulation factor screening
In this paper, we develop a weighted least squares (WLS) approach to computer...
A comparison of frequency domain methodology and conventional factor screening methods
This paper presents a large sample comparison of two techniques in computer simulation...
Initial transient detection in simulations using the second-order cumulant spectrum
Procedures for detecting an initial transient in simulation output data are developed....
Simulation factor screening using cross-spectral methods
The authors introduce a qualitative procedure for simulation factor screening which...
Simulation factor screening using harmonic analysis
In this paper, the authors provide a quantitative approach to Frequency Domain...
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