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John Miltenburg
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15 papers
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Optimally balancing large assembly lines: updating Johnson's 1988 Fable algorithm
In 1988 Roger Johnson published a paper entitled ‘Optimally Balancing Large...
The stochastic U-line balancing problem
A U-line arranges tasks around a U-shaped production line and organizes them into...
A Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for a production planning problem where products have alternate routings
A manufacturer of specialty steels produces to customer order. The economy is booming...
Balancing and scheduling mixed-model U-shaped production lines
The production line considered in this paper is a U-shaped, mixed-model, asynchronous...
One-piece flow manufacturing on U-shaped production lines: A tutorial
Nowadays shorter product life cycles and increased demands for customization make it...
U-shaped production lines: A review of theory and practice
Most writers describe the U-shaped production line as the special type of cellular...
The effect of breakdowns on U-shaped production lines
Consider a synchronized line performing assembly or fabrication tasks. Tasks are...
Balancing U-lines in a multiple U-line facility
U-shaped production lines and facilities consisting of many such lines are important...
Managing and reducing total cycle time: Models and analysis
Cycle time management and reduction (CTM) is the manufacturing philosophy that follows...
Revisiting the mixed-model multi-level just-in-time scheduling problem
Morabito and Kraus (see abstract 58505) propose a modification to the mathematical...
The application of an open queueing network to the analysis of cycle time, variability, throughput, inventory and cost in the batch production system of a microelectronics manufacturer
This paper extends the work done in Fromm describing the relationships between...
On the equivalence of JIT and MRP as technologies for reducing wastes in manufacturing
JIT (just-in-time) is widely regarded as an excellent tool for reducing costs and...
A comparative evaluation of nine well-known algorithms for solving the cell formation problem in group technology
Nine algorithms, developed to solve the cell formation problem, are evaluated and...
Designing and phasing in just-in-time production systems
Japanese just-in-time (JIT) production systems have been described extensively in...
Level schedules for mixed-model assembly lines in Just-In-Time production systems
Mixed-model assembly lines are used to produce many different products without...
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