Jacob Varghese S.

Varghese S. Jacob

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Found 14 papers in total
Heuristics and augmented neural networks for task scheduling with non-identical machines
We propose new heuristics along with an augmented-neural-network (AugNN) formulation...
Scheduling advertisements on a Web page to maximize revenue
Many Web sites (e.g. Hotmail, Yahoo) provide free services to the users while...
Strategic IT investments: the impact of switching cost and declining IT cost
The declining cost of information technology (IT) over time provides the later entrant...
Prognosis using an isotonic prediction technique
Outcome prediction based on historical data has been of practical and theoretical...
Assessing data quality for information products: Impact of selection, projection, and Cartesian product
The cost associated with making decisions based on poor-quality data is quite high....
An investigation of mating and population maintenance strategies in hybrid genetic heuristics for product line designs
This research builds on prior work on developing near optimal solutions to the product...
Isotonic separation
Data classification and prediction problems are prevalent in many domains. The need to...
An improved augmented neural-network approach for scheduling problems
For the task-scheduling problem, we propose an augmented neural-network approach,...
The influence of communication mode and incentive structure on group decision support system process and outcomes
Given the orientation towards groups and the increase in the use of Group Decision...
Augmented neural networks for task scheduling
We propose a new approach, called Augmented Neural Networks (Aug NN) for solving the...
A study of the effect of communication channel and authority on group decision processes and outcomes
Experimental research on Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) has generally focused...
Comparative performance of the FSCL neural net and K-means algorithm for market segmentation
Given the success of neural networks in a variety of applications in engineering, such...
Genetic Algorithms for product design
Product design is increasingly recognized as a critical activity that has a...
A framework for supporting distributed group decision-making
Group decision support systems (GDSS) have been proposed as tools for aiding the group...
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