Ruckle William H.

William H. Ruckle

Information about the author William H. Ruckle will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
Rendez-vous search on a rectangular lattice
In a rendez-vous search two or more teams called seekers try to minimize the time...
Special classes of quiet accumulation games
In an accumulation game, a hider places objects at locations, and a seeker examines...
Continuous accumulation games on discrete locations
In an accumulation game, a HIDER attempts to accumulate a certain number of objects or...
Initial point search on weighted trees
An initial point search game on a weighted graph involves a searcher who wants to...
The upper risk of an inspection agreement
An inspection agreement, contained within a treaty proposal, determines a two-person,...
The reporting time problem: Integration of intelligence with verification
This article is a theoretic study of the following problem in verification: Mobile...
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