Fang S.-C.

S.-C. Fang

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Found 13 papers in total
Recursive approximation of the high dimensional max function
This paper proposes a smoothing method for the general n -dimensional max function,...
Solving convex programs with infinitely many linear constraints by a relaxed cutting plane method
One of the major computational bottlenecks of using the conventional cutting plane...
A global-filtering algorithm for linear programming problems with stochastic elements
In this paper, an interior-point based global filtering algorithm is proposed to solve...
Linear programming with fuzzy coefficients in constraints
This paper presents a new method for solving linear programming problems with fuzzy...
Solving convex programming problems with equality constraints by neural networks
This paper presents a neural network approach for solving convex programming problems...
A semi-infinite programming model for earliness/tardiness production planning with a genetic algorithm
To closely describe the earliness/tardiness production planning problems in the JIT...
A dual perturbation view of linear programming
Solving standard-form linear programs via perturbation of the primal objective...
A semi-infinite programming model for earliness/tardiness production planning with a genetic algorithm
To closely describe the earliness/tardiness production planning problems in the JIT...
A primal-dual infeasible-interior-point algorithm for linear semi-infinite programming
In this paper, the authors design an algorithm for solving linear semi-infinite...
An inexact approach to solving linear semi-infinite programming problems
In this paper, the authors propose an ‘inexact solution’ approach to deal...
A Bayesian interpretation of the linearly-constrained cross-entropy minimization problem
Both the linearly-constrained minimum cross-entropy (LCMXE) method and the Bayesian...
Insights into the interior-point methods
In this paper, the authors study the search directions of three important...
An unconstrained convex programming view of linear programming
The major interest of this paper is to show that, at least in theory, a pair of primal...
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